Collection MOWCAP 2024 - Indarung I, The first cement plant in Southeast Asia (1910-1972)

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الرمز المرجعي



Indarung I, The first cement plant in Southeast Asia (1910-1972)

التاريخ (التواريخ)

  • 1910-1972 (إنشاء)

مستوى الوصف


مدى ونوع المادة الموصوفة

Paper Archives : 93 Files, Digital Archives : 17 Files, Photo Archives : 40 Files, Map Archive : 1 File, Sketch Archive : 1 File

حقل السياق

التاريخ الأرشيفي

المصدر المباشر للاقتناء أو النقل

حقل المحتوى والبنية

النطاق والمحتوى

The Indarung I Plant (Now PT Semen Padang) which was established in 1910 has hold pivotal event in the physical development of Southeast Asia region. It enabled massive infrastructure developments as buildings, ports, bridges, roads, and more factories. Since 1910, the plant had grown consecutively from 1 up to 5 kilns in total creating a vast industrial landscape as big as 68,000m2 site. It is as big as a small town, as complex as a megastructure. Four important aspects that signify Indarung I archives to be MOWCAP Inscription register are, namely, for its high quality cement in Asia by High Quality raw materials from Bukit Karang Putih, best Quality Coal as fuel from Ombilin, Modern cement processing technology, gender inclusivity for the presence of women as employees and land owners of the lorry route, multicultural Employees from Europe (Netherland), China and Indonesia, and contribution for the development of vital infrastructure in Asia, including Ports in Singapore and Railway in Ceylon (Srilanka).

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