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Affichage de 419 résultats

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THE BIRTH OF ASEAN (Archives about the Formation ASEAN, 1967 – 1976)
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403 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques


Collection of Materials Discussion of ASEAN Summit Meeting, consists of:

  • Bangkok Declaration in 1967
  • Kuala Lumpur Declaration in 1971
  • Final Communique of the First ASEAN Summit Meeting in Bali 1976
  • Final Communique of the Second ASEAN Summit Meeting in Kuala Lumpur 1977
  • Final Communique of the Third ASEAN Summit Meeting in Manila 1987.


Collection of Material of Discussion on ASEAN, consists of:

  • ASEAN Declaration in Bangkok Meeting, on 8 August 1967;
  • ASEAN Declaration in Kuala Lumpur Meeting, on 27 November;
  • ASEAN Declaration in the Bali Summit Meeting participated by Heads of Government of ASEAN, on 24 February 1976;
  • Meeting Conclusions of the Second ASEAN Heads of Government Meeting (KKT ASEAN II)
  • Opening Speech of His Excellency President Ferdinand E. Marcos
  • Joint Communique of the Summit Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of ASEAN XII in Bali, on 30 June 1979.


Materials for ASEAN Summit, consist of:

  • Bangkok Declaration on August 8, 1967, Kuala Lumpur Declaration on 27 November 1971
  • Final Communique of the First Summit Meeting ASEAN in Bali on 23-25 February 1976
  • Final Communique of the Second Summit Meeting ASEAN in Kuala Lumpur on 5 August 1977
  • Joint Statement of ASEAN-Japan in Kuala Lumpur on 7 August 1977
  • Joint Communique of Heads of Government of ASEAN and Head of Government of Australia in Kuala Lumpur on 7 August 1977
  • Joint Statement of Heads of Government of ASEAN and New Zealand in Kuala Lumpur on 8 August 1977.

THE BIRTH OF ASEAN (Archives about the Formation ASEAN, 1967 – 1976)

  • Collection
  • 1967 - 1976

The ASEAN Formation archives are a set of documents that record the establishment of the Association of Southeast Asia Nations (ASEAN) from the five founding countries including namely Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. The
documents comprise the ASEAN Declaration 1967 and other related archives. These archives consist of 16 textual files, 1 photo, 1 film, 3 audio files and 12 oral history interview recordings.
The archives described the foundation for ASEAN to turn neighbors into cordial friends and trust deficit into mutual trust, not only in the region but also beyond. Furthermore, the archives also provide the evidences that the newly independent countries, the relatively smaller states compared to the competing Great Powers, also have their own agency by which they shape international politics into a more peaceful and stable landscape. The archives also portrayed the role of ASEAN in preventing conflict and
achieving stability in the region where diverse political and cultural situations take place. In addition, ASEAN's diplomatic approach, instilled values, and unique characteristics provide lessons to other regions in the world.


File of ASEAN Summit Meeting, consists of:

  • File of Budget for ASEAN Parliament, Remarks by President of the Republic of Indonesia;
  • Correspondences between Parliament of Singapore and Secretary General of the People’s Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia;
  • Agreement of ASEAN Delegates, ASEAN Declaration in Bangkok;
  • Agreement of ASEAN Delegates, Organization Structure;
  • Bangkok Declaration and Kuala Lumpur.
Résultats 1 à 10 sur 419