Приказивање 35 резултата

Архивски опис
Nacionalni arhiv Republike Indonezije Sukarno Speech: to Build the World Anew Са дигиталним објектима
Приказ штампања Види:
Page 23
Page 23
Sound recording of President Sukarno when he delivered his speech  “To Build The World Anew” at t...
Sound recording of President Sukarno when he delivered his speech “To Build The World Anew” at the 15th United Nations General Assembly in New York. September 30, 1960.
Volume 4
Volume 4
Reel No.062_Pidato Bung Karno di PBB  (30 September 1960)
Reel No.062_Pidato Bung Karno di PBB (30 September 1960)
Reel No.061_Pidato Bung Karno di PBB (30 September 1960)
Reel No.061_Pidato Bung Karno di PBB (30 September 1960)
Резултати 31 до 35 од 35