- ID 15032 F2-B3
- Fonds
- 1928 - 1981
Fait partie de Non-Aligned Movement Archives (Indonesia)
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Fait partie de Non-Aligned Movement Archives (Indonesia)
Fait partie de Non-Aligned Movement Archives (Indonesia)
Komando Operasi Tertinggi/KOTI
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KOTI was established by the Presidential Decree Nr.142/1963 as the replacement of the Highest Command of West Irian Liberation. The information that relates to the first NAM Summit Meeting, consists 11 sheets of Declaration of the Heads of State or Government of Non-Aligned Countries.
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The Yugoslavia Parliament Building where the First Non-Aligned Movement conference was held
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Ali Sastroamidjojo (the third from the left) was having a conversation with two men
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Fait partie de Non-Aligned Movement Archives (Indonesia)