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National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia Koleksi
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The Kartini Letters and Archive: the struggle for gender equality

  • ID 15032 ID-ANRI Kartini
  • Koleksi
  • 1879 - 1904

The documents in these collections form an integral basis for understanding the life and ideas of Raden Ajeng Kartini (1879-1904). Kartini's letters, which are kept in Dutch institutions, represent the source and foundation of her ideas, while the impact of those letters on education, emancipation and the struggle for gender equality can be found in the Kartini archive in Indonesia.
Already during her short lifetime until the present day, Kartini has been a major inspirational force in Indonesian and international debates on education, feminism, and gender equality

Arsip Selokan Mataram Yogyakarta Kurun Waktu 1944 – 2021 sebagai Memori Kolektif Bangsa

  • ID 15032 MKB 2022
  • Koleksi
  • 1944 - 2021

Selokan Mataram memiliki dampak bagi sejarah dan budaya bangsa. Model kepemimpinan Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX yang memihak kepada rakyat serta berusaha untuk melindungi keselamatannya. Negosisasi dengan Jepang sekaligus menunjukkan kepeloporan beliau bagi kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara, serta wibawa Sultan di mata bangsa-bangsa di dunia.

Sukarno Speech: to Build the World Anew

  • ID 15032 F1
  • Koleksi
  • 1960

On September 30, 1960, 58 years ago at the United Nations Building, New York, the United States of America had an important event that was not only experienced by Indonesia but also by the world. On that day, Indonesia's first President Ir. Sukarno or commonly known as Bung Karno had the opportunity to present ideas in front of state leaders at the United Nations. The speech, entitled To Buid The World Anew, has shocked the world. In Reel this film shows the atmosphere of the 15th UN General Assembly and the welcome of President Sukarno's arrival in the United States. In this video, President Sukarno followed a series of events with US President Dwight Eisenhower and Prince Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia and a dinner with delegates from the UN General Assembly. In this video, President Sukarno's early part of the speech was also presented at the 15th UN General Assembly. (Video and sound images are a bit clear).

Arsip UNESCO Global Geopark (UGG) Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu

  • ID 15032 ID MKB 2022 CP
  • Koleksi
  • 1992 - 2021

Arsip UNESCO Global Geoparks (UGG) Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu Kabupaten Sukabumi yang merupakan arsip-arsip yang tercipta dalam rangka pengakuan Kawasan Ciletuh sebagai Kawasan Geopark warisan dunia. Arsip-arsip proses pengajuan UGG secara administraif telah mulai tercipta sejak tahun 1992 sampai dengan terbitnya pengakuan Kawasan Ciletuh yang telah ditetapkan pada tanggal 17 April 2018 oleh Sidang Executive Board UNESCO.

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