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Sukarno Speech: to Build the World Anew

  • ID 15032 F1
  • Collection
  • 1960

On September 30, 1960, 58 years ago at the United Nations Building, New York, the United States of America had an important event that was not only experienced by Indonesia but also by the world. On that day, Indonesia's first President Ir. Sukarno or commonly known as Bung Karno had the opportunity to present ideas in front of state leaders at the United Nations. The speech, entitled To Buid The World Anew, has shocked the world. In Reel this film shows the atmosphere of the 15th UN General Assembly and the welcome of President Sukarno's arrival in the United States. In this video, President Sukarno followed a series of events with US President Dwight Eisenhower and Prince Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia and a dinner with delegates from the UN General Assembly. In this video, President Sukarno's early part of the speech was also presented at the 15th UN General Assembly. (Video and sound images are a bit clear).

Indarung I, The first cement plant in Southeast Asia (1910-1972)

  • MOWCAP 2024
  • Collection
  • 1910-1972

The Indarung I Plant (Now PT Semen Padang) which was established in 1910 has hold pivotal event in the physical development of Southeast Asia region. It enabled massive infrastructure developments as buildings, ports, bridges, roads, and more factories. Since 1910, the plant had grown consecutively from 1 up to 5 kilns in total creating a vast industrial landscape as big as 68,000m2 site. It is as big as a small town, as complex as a megastructure. Four important aspects that signify Indarung I archives to be MOWCAP Inscription register are, namely, for its high quality cement in Asia by High Quality raw materials from Bukit Karang Putih, best Quality Coal as fuel from Ombilin, Modern cement processing technology, gender inclusivity for the presence of women as employees and land owners of the lorry route, multicultural Employees from Europe (Netherland), China and Indonesia, and contribution for the development of vital infrastructure in Asia, including Ports in Singapore and Railway in Ceylon (Srilanka).

THE BIRTH OF ASEAN (Archives about the Formation ASEAN, 1967 – 1976)

  • Collection
  • 1967 - 1976

The ASEAN Formation archives are a set of documents that record the establishment of the Association of Southeast Asia Nations (ASEAN) from the five founding countries including namely Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. The
documents comprise the ASEAN Declaration 1967 and other related archives. These archives consist of 16 textual files, 1 photo, 1 film, 3 audio files and 12 oral history interview recordings.
The archives described the foundation for ASEAN to turn neighbors into cordial friends and trust deficit into mutual trust, not only in the region but also beyond. Furthermore, the archives also provide the evidences that the newly independent countries, the relatively smaller states compared to the competing Great Powers, also have their own agency by which they shape international politics into a more peaceful and stable landscape. The archives also portrayed the role of ASEAN in preventing conflict and
achieving stability in the region where diverse political and cultural situations take place. In addition, ASEAN's diplomatic approach, instilled values, and unique characteristics provide lessons to other regions in the world.

Indonesian Sugar Research Institute’s Archives 1887-1986 Period: The Role of ISRI’s Research Activities to the World Sugar Industry

  • MOWCAP 2024
  • Collection
  • 1887-1986

The Indonesian Sugar Research Institute (ISRI/P3GI) is a research institute founded in Pasuruan City by sugar industrialists on July 9 1887. It was first established under the name Proefstation Suikerriet Oost Java. ISRI is the spearhead in the development of the sugar industry, especially in the Asia Pacific. ISRI has played a big role in the development of sugar dynamics in the world,
one of which is the discovery of POJ 2878 which is worldwide. The Indonesian Sugar Archive describes the process of building a scientifically based sugar industry. The existence of sugar archives in Indonesia and elsewhere shows the importance of scientific research as a pillar of the world sugar industry, especially since the last decades of the 19th century.
Until now, this institution is called The Indonesian Sugar Research Institute (ISRI). ISRI has an important role in supporting the sugar industry in the Dutch East Indies and the world. The archives of the proposed sugar research institute are kept by the East Java Provincial Government through the Library and Archives Service and partly by the Indonesian Sugar Research Institute
Several stored archives contain information on the results of long-standing international collaboration between sugar research institutions, which has become the scientific basis for world commercial sugar production, sugar research, technological developments, international cooperation, and the latest discoveries related to the world sugar industry.
The ISRI’s archives proposed in MOWCAP are in the form of textual archives with a total of 174 archive numbers stored at the East Java Province Library and Archives Service. The total number of archives is 108 in the form of textual archives about research and 68 are archives about administration and 67 are photo archive numbers. Besides that, there are 18 textual archive
numbers and 2 photo albums stored in the ISRI’s Library.

Arsip Pembangunan Tugu Pahlawan (1951-1997)

  • MKB 2024
  • Collection
  • 1951-1997

Arsip Pembangunan Tugu Pahlawan (ATP) merupakan himpunan dokumen tentang linimasa Pembangunan Monumen Tugu Pahlawan Surabaya sebagai tetenger lokasi spesifik bernilai penting yang menghubungkan era kolonial Hindia Belanda, pendudukan Jepang, era Revolusi Kemerdekaan sebagai momen titik balik perjuangan bangsa Indonesia, hingga era kekinian di mana nilai kepahlawanan dan kejuangan diwariskan secara berkelanjutan. ATP merekam proses perencanaan, pembangunan, hingga peresmian Tugu Pahlawan yang terdokumentasi rapi dalam bentuk arsip tertulis, citra fotografis, desain bangunan, serta berita di surat kabar dan dalam kondisi terpelihara baik. ATP dapat dikategorikan dalam tiga bagian: pertama, arsip pra-pembangunan yang merekam korespondensi pejabat Kota Surabaya dan panitia pembangunan dengan pejabat pemerintah pusat serta arsip kendala pengumpulan dana pembangunan. Kedua, arsip proses pembangunan meliputi desain, peletakan batu pertama, serta proses pembangunan keseluruhan. Ketiga, pasca-pembangunan, meliputi arsip momen peresmian oleh Presiden Indonesia, Ir. Soekarno, serta arsip proses pengembangan kompleks Tugu Pahlawan hingga kini. Arsip seputar pertempuran 10 November 1945 juga dihadirkan sebagai konteks sekaligus memperkuat nilai signifikansi sejarah. Tertulis dalam Bahasa
Indonesia ejaan Van Ophuijsen, Republik, hingga Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan, ATP layak ditetapkan sebagai memori kolektif bangsa karena memiliki signifikansi sejarah yakni arketipe nilai patriotisme dan nasionalisme yang diwariskan lintas generasi, serta signifikansi sosial yakni sebagai sumber penting untuk pendidikan dan penelitian sejarah.

Results 11 to 20 of 47