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Khazanah Arsip Konservasi dan Pembangunan Kawasan Segara Anakan Cilacap-Jawa Tengah Tahun 1996-2000

  • ID 15032 ID MKB 2022 SA
  • Collection
  • Mei 13, 2022

Segara Anakan merupakan salah satu laguna terbesar di dunia yang secara ekologis telah rusak akibat eksploitasi besar-besaran dan terus menerus. Hal ini mengancam keragaman hayati dan sumber daya alam di sekitarnya. Penyelenggaraan program Konservasi dan Pembangunan Kawasan Segara Anakan untuk meminimalisir dampak tersebut.

THE BIRTH OF ASEAN (Archives about the Formation ASEAN, 1967 – 1976)

  • Collection
  • 1967 - 1976

The ASEAN Formation archives are a set of documents that record the establishment of the Association of Southeast Asia Nations (ASEAN) from the five founding countries including namely Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. The
documents comprise the ASEAN Declaration 1967 and other related archives. These archives consist of 16 textual files, 1 photo, 1 film, 3 audio files and 12 oral history interview recordings.
The archives described the foundation for ASEAN to turn neighbors into cordial friends and trust deficit into mutual trust, not only in the region but also beyond. Furthermore, the archives also provide the evidences that the newly independent countries, the relatively smaller states compared to the competing Great Powers, also have their own agency by which they shape international politics into a more peaceful and stable landscape. The archives also portrayed the role of ASEAN in preventing conflict and
achieving stability in the region where diverse political and cultural situations take place. In addition, ASEAN's diplomatic approach, instilled values, and unique characteristics provide lessons to other regions in the world.

The Kartini Letters and Archive: the struggle for gender equality

  • ID 15032 ID-ANRI Kartini
  • Collection
  • 1879 - 1904

The documents in these collections form an integral basis for understanding the life and ideas of Raden Ajeng Kartini (1879-1904). Kartini's letters, which are kept in Dutch institutions, represent the source and foundation of her ideas, while the impact of those letters on education, emancipation and the struggle for gender equality can be found in the Kartini archive in Indonesia.
Already during her short lifetime until the present day, Kartini has been a major inspirational force in Indonesian and international debates on education, feminism, and gender equality

Cerminan Humanisme Indonesia di Arsip Pengungsi Pulau Galang

  • ID 15032 MKB 2022
  • Collection
  • Mei 13, 2022

Arsip Kamp Pengungsi Pulau Galang sebagai simbol kemanusiaan bahwa bangsa Indonesia adalah bangsa yang memiliki rasa solidaritas yang sangat tinggi. Puluhan ribu orang tinggal dan dirawat di pengungsian. Mereka dibantu sepenuhnya oleh Pemerintah Indonesia dari mulai kedatangan, pengiriman ke negara ketiga, hingga kepulangannya ke Negara asal.

Arsip Selokan Mataram Yogyakarta Kurun Waktu 1944 – 2021 sebagai Memori Kolektif Bangsa

  • ID 15032 MKB 2022
  • Collection
  • 1944 - 2021

Selokan Mataram memiliki dampak bagi sejarah dan budaya bangsa. Model kepemimpinan Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX yang memihak kepada rakyat serta berusaha untuk melindungi keselamatannya. Negosisasi dengan Jepang sekaligus menunjukkan kepeloporan beliau bagi kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara, serta wibawa Sultan di mata bangsa-bangsa di dunia.

Résultats 11 à 20 sur 47