This file is related with the conference of Non-aligned Head of States with a view to discussing world problems which hamper international cooperation and menace to peace. Add to clipboard IN IND F1-Con-27/61 AFR I File Part of Non-Aligned Movement Archives (India)
This file contains the information regarding certain criteria for invitation to the conference of Non-aligned countries by the Committee of Ambassadors for discussing the problems the world peace which were the concern of all independent countries. Add to clipboard IN IND F1-76(15)AMS/61 File Part of Non-Aligned Movement Archives (India)
This file describe about the Eight Year Development Plan which was inaugurated by the President, Sukarno before he presented the plan to the People's Consultative Congress (Madjelis) Add to clipboard IN IND F1-6(20)-R&I/61 File Part of Non-Aligned Movement Archives (India)