Arsip Syekh Yusuf Al Makassari Al Bantani (1626-1699)
- ID 15032 MKB 2023
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- 1626-1699
Arsip Syekh Yusuf Al Makassari Al Bantani (1626-1699)
The Tambo Tuanku Imam Bonjol Manuscript
The Tambo Tuanku Imam Bonjol (TTIB) is a single manuscript (codex unicus) in the world. This manuscript was written by the son of Tuanku Imam Bonjol (1772 – 1864) named Naali Sutan Caniago while he accompanied Tuanku Imam Bonjol's exile in Manado. In general, this manuscript contains a summary of the history of the Padri War in West Sumatra in the 19th century. The manuscript consists of three parts: the first part is about the memoirs of Tuanku Imam Bonjol; the second is the memoirs of Naali Sutan Caniago; the last one is the minutes of two meetings held in the Minangkabau highland in 1865 and
Arsip Kartini: Perjuangan Kesetaraan Gender
The Kartini Letters and Archive: the struggle for gender equality
The documents in these collections form an integral basis for understanding the life and ideas of Raden Ajeng Kartini (1879-1904). Kartini's letters, which are kept in Dutch institutions, represent the source and foundation of her ideas, while the impact of those letters on education, emancipation and the struggle for gender equality can be found in the Kartini archive in Indonesia.
Already during her short lifetime until the present day, Kartini has been a major inspirational force in Indonesian and international debates on education, feminism, and gender equality
Arsip-arsip Pembangunan Infrastruktur Pendidikan pada Masa Kolonial (1874-1929)
Arsip Jaringan Dagang Batik Lasem Awal Abad 20 (1900 - 1942)
Arsip Jaringan Dagang Batik Lasem Awal Abad 20 (1900-1942) berjumlah 192 lembar arsip tekstual dalam 3 Bahasa (Melayu-Tionghoa, Belanda, Mandarin), berisi informasi jaringan dagang batik Lasem yang terkenal dengan julukan Tiongkok Kecil menjadi salah satu produsen batik terbesar di Hindia Belanda bersama Pekalongan dan Solo. Jaringan dagangnya meliputi Sumatera, Jawa, Kalimantan, Sulawesi hingga Banda serta negara jajahan Inggris seperti Singapura dan Malaysia. Koleksi ini memiliki nilai penting sejarah, kebudayaan, ilmu pengetahuan, pendidikan, dan jati diri bangsa yang berkaitan erat dengan:
Arsip Yogyakarta sebagai Ibu Kota Republik Indonesia 1946-1949
Arsip Dagboek Rechtshoogeschool Periode 1925 – 1950
Rechtshoogeschool (RHS), perguruan tinggi hukum pertama di Indonesia, didirikan pada 28 Oktober 1924 di Batavia oleh Gubernur Jenderal Dirk Fock. Lembaga ini membuka pintunya bagi semua bangsa dan berperan penting dalam pergerakan sosial-budaya Indonesia, termasuk menginspirasi Sumpah Pemuda. Catatan penting RHS, Dagboek, terdiri dari dua jilid (1925-1938 dan 1939-1953), mencatat perjalanan akademik mahasiswa, profesor, serta dinamika ujian. Beberapa profesor dan lulusan RHS menjadi tokoh penting, seperti Mohammad Yamin, Amir Sjarifuddin, dan Yap Thiam Hien, dengan total dua belas alumninya dianugerahi gelar Pahlawan Nasional. Jilid II juga mencatat dampak Pendudukan Jepang dan transisi RHS menjadi Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, menandai kesinambungan kontribusi lembaga ini bagi perkembangan hukum dan bangsa.
Rehabilitation Centrum Prof. Dr. R. Soeharso
Post Indonesian revolutionary war (1945-1950), many victims were physically injured and suffered mental illness. The Rehabilitation Center of Prof. R. Soeharso Surakarta became Asia’s first and largest rehabilitation center implementing the integrated concept of rehabilitation services. It was the referral center not only in Indonesia but also in the Asia-Pacific region in the 1950s-1970s. It not only provided medical treatment, but also the empowerment of the economy, social, and culture of the people with disabilities, notably providing equal treatment for women and girls with disabilities. The archives consist of textual (475 files), and photographic (2157) documents).