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Archives of Asian-African Conference
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39 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Nomination Form
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The view of the A-A Conference in Merdeka Building, Bandung. In the photo seen Prime Minister Ali...
The view of the A-A Conference in Merdeka Building, Bandung. In the photo seen Prime Minister Ali Sastroamidjojo delivered his speech and accompained by the Chairman of the Committee, Roeslan Abdulgani, Positive Nr.: 550424 FP 3-4.
Kabinet Presiden 1950-1959 No. 512
Kabinet Presiden 1950-1959 No. 512
The delegations of participant countries of the A-A Conference walked to Merdeka Building. In the...
The delegations of participant countries of the A-A Conference walked to Merdeka Building. In the photo seen the Chairman of the Delegation of Egypt, Gamal Abdel Nasser, the Chairman of the Delegation of Saudi Arabia Emir Faisal Ibn Abdul Azis al-saud, and thh Chairman of the Delegation of Yaman, Emir Seif El Islam Al Hassan, Positive Nr.: 550420 FP 39.
The delegations held a Plenary Meeting of the Economic Section during the A-A Conference in Merde...
The delegations held a Plenary Meeting of the Economic Section during the A-A Conference in Merdeka Building, Bandung. In the photo seen the Chairman of the Delegation of Pakistan, Mohammed Ali; the Chairman of the Delegation of Lebanon, Sami Bek Solh; the Chairman of the Delegation of Cambodia, Norodom Sihanouk, and the Prime Minister of Burma, U Nu, Positive Nr.: 550420 FP 31.
The Observer Delegation from Palestine, Mufthi Amien El Husaini had a discussion with the Prime M...
The Observer Delegation from Palestine, Mufthi Amien El Husaini had a discussion with the Prime Minister of China, Chou En Lai during the A-A Conference in Merdeka Building, Bandung on April 19th 1955, Positive Nr.: 550419 FP 26.
Mohammad Yamin No. 176
Mohammad Yamin No. 176
The Gala Dinner for the A-A Conferece in Savoy Homann Hotel, Bandung, Positive Nr.: 550419.
The Gala Dinner for the A-A Conferece in Savoy Homann Hotel, Bandung, Positive Nr.: 550419.
The view of the opening of A-A Conference by President Soekarno in Merdeka Building, Bandung, Pos...
The view of the opening of A-A Conference by President Soekarno in Merdeka Building, Bandung, Positive Nr.: 550418 FP 1.
Leonardus Nicodemus Palar No. 123
Leonardus Nicodemus Palar No. 123
Results 1 to 10 of 56