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The UNESCO Global Geopark (UGG) Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu Archives (1995-2000)

  • Koleksi
  • 1995 - 2000

The Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu, West Java is a geological nature with geological heritage formed more than 65 million years ago (the Cretaceous Age), recognized as UNESCO Global Geopark (in 2018. The archive collections created in the process of recognition as Global Geopark, acquired by the West Java Provincial Archives, reflect its richness in geological heritage, biological and cultural diversity.

Khazanah Arsip Konservasi dan Pembangunan Kawasan Segara Anakan Cilacap-Jawa Tengah Tahun 1996-2000

  • ID 15032 ID MKB 2022 SA
  • Koleksi
  • Mei 13, 2022

Segara Anakan merupakan salah satu laguna terbesar di dunia yang secara ekologis telah rusak akibat eksploitasi besar-besaran dan terus menerus. Hal ini mengancam keragaman hayati dan sumber daya alam di sekitarnya. Penyelenggaraan program Konservasi dan Pembangunan Kawasan Segara Anakan untuk meminimalisir dampak tersebut.

Arsip Herbarium Temulawak_ Pengetahuan Lokal dan Teknologi Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia

Temulawak (Javanese tumeric) sejak dulu dikenal oleh banyak etnis Indonesia. Berdasarkan data Riset Tumbuhan Obat dan Jamu (RISTOJA) menunjukkan dari 405 etnis sampel, 389 etnis menggunakan Temulawak dalam ramuannya dan sebanyak 69 spesiemen arsip herbarium Temulawak berhasil terdokumentasi. Temulawak dikenal sejak sekitar tahun 1001 di Bali sebagai sesaji dan kesehatan. Penjelasannya juga dapat ditemukan pada buku Pharmacopeae Bruxellensis di Eropa (1641) dan buku kuno Indonesia.
Pada Hari Kesehatan Nasional 2023, Temulawak ditetapkan sebagai tanaman obat Indonesia unggulan oleh Wakil Presiden RI, sedangkan Jamu telah diakui sebagai warisan dunia tak benda oleh UNESCO. Sebanyak 2.977 produk mengandung Temulawak. Bahkan komponen terbanyak dari jamu saintifik adalah Temulawak. Peneliti luar negeri juga tertarik melakukan riset Temulawak Indonesia. Media publikasi internasional menunjukkan bahwa Temulawak dikenal di dunia dan berasal dari Indonesia.
Jika arsip ini tidak dicatat sebagai MKB, maka catatan budaya Indonesia mengenai Temulawak sebagai bagian dari budaya Indonesia dapat punah, dan pada akhirnya Indonesia tidak dikenal sebagai bangsa yang memiliki warisan nilai kemanusiaan terutama dalam hal kesehatan. Arsip Temulawak ini penting untuk diingat bangsa, agar bangsa ini gigih untuk mempertahankan warisan dan arsip ini memberikan kekuatan legal untuk mempertahankan warisan hak milik kekayaan Indonesia.

Indarung I, The first cement plant in Southeast Asia (1910-1972)

  • MOWCAP 2024
  • Koleksi
  • 1910-1972

The Indarung I Plant (Now PT Semen Padang) which was established in 1910 has hold pivotal event in the physical development of Southeast Asia region. It enabled massive infrastructure developments as buildings, ports, bridges, roads, and more factories. Since 1910, the plant had grown consecutively from 1 up to 5 kilns in total creating a vast industrial landscape as big as 68,000m2 site. It is as big as a small town, as complex as a megastructure. Four important aspects that signify Indarung I archives to be MOWCAP Inscription register are, namely, for its high quality cement in Asia by High Quality raw materials from Bukit Karang Putih, best Quality Coal as fuel from Ombilin, Modern cement processing technology, gender inclusivity for the presence of women as employees and land owners of the lorry route, multicultural Employees from Europe (Netherland), China and Indonesia, and contribution for the development of vital infrastructure in Asia, including Ports in Singapore and Railway in Ceylon (Srilanka).

Indonesian Sugar Research Institute’s Archives 1887-1986 Period: The Role of ISRI’s Research Activities to the World Sugar Industry

  • MOWCAP 2024
  • Koleksi
  • 1887-1986

The Indonesian Sugar Research Institute (ISRI/P3GI) is a research institute founded in Pasuruan City by sugar industrialists on July 9 1887. It was first established under the name Proefstation Suikerriet Oost Java. ISRI is the spearhead in the development of the sugar industry, especially in the Asia Pacific. ISRI has played a big role in the development of sugar dynamics in the world,
one of which is the discovery of POJ 2878 which is worldwide. The Indonesian Sugar Archive describes the process of building a scientifically based sugar industry. The existence of sugar archives in Indonesia and elsewhere shows the importance of scientific research as a pillar of the world sugar industry, especially since the last decades of the 19th century.
Until now, this institution is called The Indonesian Sugar Research Institute (ISRI). ISRI has an important role in supporting the sugar industry in the Dutch East Indies and the world. The archives of the proposed sugar research institute are kept by the East Java Provincial Government through the Library and Archives Service and partly by the Indonesian Sugar Research Institute
Several stored archives contain information on the results of long-standing international collaboration between sugar research institutions, which has become the scientific basis for world commercial sugar production, sugar research, technological developments, international cooperation, and the latest discoveries related to the world sugar industry.
The ISRI’s archives proposed in MOWCAP are in the form of textual archives with a total of 174 archive numbers stored at the East Java Province Library and Archives Service. The total number of archives is 108 in the form of textual archives about research and 68 are archives about administration and 67 are photo archive numbers. Besides that, there are 18 textual archive
numbers and 2 photo albums stored in the ISRI’s Library.

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